Monday, December 1, 2008

It's time for the hoildays!

Yuck I'm sitting here back at work after a much needed four days off.. There isn't much to do just yet, I didn't come back to a shit load of e-mails nor did I come back to a whole to-do list.. so I've got some time to do my blogging I guess.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving, I know I sure did. Two thanksgiving feasts and wine night out with the girls has seriously put its toul on my body. After months of trying to watch my weight for the holidays and of course get back into shape, I feel like I have completely lost it. However, I know I am not alone! There is just too much good food to pass up around this time of the year.. how can you not pass up all the chocolate and candies.. my philiosophy.. you only live once.. do whatever the hell you feel like doing! Yup, that's exactly what I did this past weekend.

So now, I am back to eatting practically crap food, well not all of it is so bad but who doesnt love a good steak? I can't eat one of those until next year probably. Will see..

Anyways... life is well life.. I did a boat load of shopping this past weekend, I do believe between Scott and I we put in about $500 into the economy. I know were supposed to be saving for the wedding but it's just so hard when their are some amazing deals out there. We bought our first piece of furtinure together.. aww... we got a really nice dining room set for $145.00! I know amazing! The apartment is finally looking more and more like a home and less and less of a bachleor pad. I wish I could just move in but I dont want to live with two guys and really Scott's roommate and I dont really have that kind of relationship where I think I can just live there with them two. I still feel weird when I have to leave the apartment for work on Monday mornings.. when am I going to get over that crazy fear.. who knows!

So whenever the economy kicks back up and I dont have to worry about my job then will probably get our own place together.. but for now were just buying up all that we can at these amazing prices.

I have all my christmas shopping completely done.. man it feels great! For the first time, I have all of my Christmas shopping done before December. Needless to say, I did lose some qualitiy sleeping time but it was well worth it. Scott and I started our Friday morning at about 4ish well I did, he stayed up all night. Our first store we hit up was Kohols at about 4:15am we arrived to caios and crazy lines but I was well prepared going into this that we were going to have to wait in massive lines. I had seen some pretty sweet Christmas decorations on sale there and had to get them before they were gone. So we waited in line to purchase our stuff for about a good hour and half. By the time we walked out of their at about 5:45am Target next door was opening up at 6am.. Now I have never in my life waited in such a massive line to get into a store but I tell you this was freaking crazy but I had to get some gifts and I knew that they would be gone. I would normally say what I got but then I would be blowing the surprise for some people that I know read my blog.. so the gifts will remain anoymous.

So by the end of our target trip we succesfully came home at 6:45am! I crashed for a bit and then we hit the mall at about 3ish and really the mall wasnt too bad.. I think that's where you can see that Michigan is definitly in a recession because there were not a whole lot of people buying stuff at the mall. There really wasnt any big deals just a few things hear and there but that was about it.. I did come out successful there though got some more gift shopping done and concluded my day of shopping! Now it feels great to sit back, relax and drink my cup of joe while everyone else goes crazy doing last minute Christmas shopping!

Well I should get back to work!

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