Monday, October 6, 2008

So what does my title mean?

Now that I have entered the real world and have acquired a "professional title" I begin to question what does my title mean? Right now, I'm technically an account coordinator for a marketing/communications agency. I bet your wondering why I wrote technically, right? Well literally an account coordinator to my understanding thus far does not do a much! Aside from running errands for people, grabbing your boss's lunch and basically doing all the shit work that nobody else wants to do is pretty much what my job entails.

Was this something that I wanted to do once I retained my degree? Absolutely not! I[m beginning to question once again, is this something that I want to do with my life? Do I want to be the personal bitch of the office? Everyone told me that going into an agency, I was going to literally breath and eat shit. You got to start somewhere I thought.. but did I really have to start here?

I have very high standards for myself and this job is not one that I ever thought I would be doing. I honestly didn't go to college to just do small mundane tasks? Or either sit here and blog while I am at work! I went to school so that I could contribute something to society. Be something great at work.. But time and time again, I see myself falling into this same rut. I ask for things to do, I even offer to help out with anything but nobody seems to want my help.

Am I threat to people? I'm often told that I can be a bit intimidating but seriously people, I'm just a recent college grad just trying to get some work accomplished. I want to go home thinking wow I got a lot accomplished today.. I dont want to go home and ask myself, what the hell did I do at work today besides sit around on facebook and chat to my fiance and friends??

This is not what I want to do. But I have no other choice.. I already quit one job because it wasnt for me, I'm not about to go and quit another one because I have a lack of work here. I want to be somebody.. I want to show the world what I am capable of doing.. I'm beinginning to question, if I will ever be allowed to do so!

I wonder if anyone else out there feels the same way? Have you ever had these same thoughts and feelings? Is there anyone else out there that literally does nothing all day and gets paid to just sit there??? How do you feel? Doesnt it just make you feel like a complete waste of space?

I'm beginning to have drepessed thoughts about graduating so early. I wanted to so bad get out into the work force so that I could start my career early but now I feel like its bitten me in the ass.. and hard!

Ugh... well those are just my thoughts, I suppose I should go around and ask everyone if there is anything I can do.. or maybe I could just remind them that I have a college degree..

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