Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My not so highly inticipated 23rd Birthday

So it's my 23rd birthday next Wednesday! As of right now, I don't have one thing planned for it. Well maybe a nice dinner out with Scott but that's pretty much it.. I know that I have to get up early, put a smile and go to work for the majority of the day. I haven't really been that anxious for my birthday this year only because turning 23 really doesn't have any significant meaning to it. It's just another year in this young 20 something world.

Truth be told, I hear that turning 23 is supposed to be one the biggest highlights of your entire life though. For some, I guess it's the best time they ever had being 23 that is. Is it because it's the first time in what 15 years that we no longer have school to worry about, unless your the highly chic and getting your masters degree? Or it could quite possibly be because most of us venture away from the oh so wonderful nest home of our parents place.

Whatever the case may be, I'm just going to toast my birthday(with a martini) with my wonderful fiance and reflect on what quite possibly could be the best year of my life.. right???

I guess I could also put together a list of things I would like to accomplish while I'm 23.. let's see..

1. Be more satisfied with my job
2. Land a killer job
3. Move out of my parents home and stay with Scott indefinitely and not just on the weekends!
4. Get out of debt for good
5. Increase my shoe collection
6. Did I forget to say Move out??
7. Look up schools for interior design and actually act on my dream

That looks pretty good. I wonder how many I will be able to accomplish.. Will just have to wait and see I guess :)

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