Friday, April 17, 2009

It's been far too long!

Oh my goodness, it has been far to long since I have updated in my blogs. What is wrong with me? Life after college apparently does keep you quite busy! So I've been working my life away - yes that is right. I put in a good 50 hours a week I am sure of that and what is more annoying is half the time is spent staring at the wall waiting for someone either to approve a quote, or approve of something I had been working on or better yet just waiting for someone to give me something to do. Most of the shit tends too fall on my lap about a half an hour before my schedule time to leave occurs....

That's my life at work so what is going on with my personal life? Well - I've managed to get a lot of things done for the wedding. Yippie! I am down to getting my dress, order flowers, invitations and some other goodies that I am sure I am forgetting. Ugh this whole getting married shit is too much for me? Cant I just have a nice beautiful day with my friends and family around without all the showy shit that costs me an arm and a leg. My god people its for one day one fucking day! Jesus, so annoying!

Scott and I are looking to rent out our own place. YAY.. but me being so damn picky, its not an easy process. I gotta have the goods and if I don't have them, I dont give the place the time of the day. I refuse to live in some shit hole with 1950's appliances. Um sorry no! So were on the hunt for something nice and new. So if you know anyone who is renting out a condo that is sharp, please do let me know :)

Well that is it for now.. I hope to get out of work at a decent time to enjoy this beautiful day we have! 70 degree weather... you couldnt ask for anything betta... :)