Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sadly you got to know someone

So I have been told time and time again, that in order to be successful in this economy, YOU NEED TO KNOW SOMEBODY! So who do you know? More importantly, how do we get to know these people that we so called "need" to know?

I pose these questions because I think that like many people as myself, we need to know the answers to these questions. Luckily, I think I know the answer to these questions!

When I first started my career as an intern for the two companies that I interned for, I always asked myself what is this going to do for me? Will it just help me land another job? Or would it just simply be a waste of my time? Actually the answer to those questions could be quite surprising. I found that in my first internship, it was a waste of time for me. Here I was as an HR Intern and my degree wasn't even specialized in that field at all. I came to work everyday doing HR functions, nothing to the extent of what I was learning at school. However, at the same time, I was meeting people that were going to help me succeed in every day life.

While I was there, I met a director who told me and encouraged me to continue reaching for my goals and do something that inspires me to be the best that I can be. I met a recruiter who spiced up my resume and gave me tips and tools to help me stand out amongst the rest. And then I met my boss who was such a great listener and counselor who also guided me into figuring out what it is that I want out of life.

So really, it wasn't a big waste of my time because I had met some people that I had I not met, wouldn't have been able to give me a push or give me experience to find out if maybe, "hey I like HR."

Going on to my next internship, in my field of studies. Communications! I was so happy and so thrilled that I finally was able to get into an internship that would enable me to put my skills and knowledge to work. At first it was a challenge because it was more journalism related and I wasn't a big huge fan of writing all day, everyday! But I took that with a grain of salt and looked at like someone here is going to help me land my next big gig!

And what do you know! If it wasn't for my boss, I never would have gotten my first offer outside of college in the advertising field. She knew of some people and recommended me over to their agency and here I am now.

In just three days I will be working in my first ever big girl job. I will finally be a career women and proving to society that like men, women can succeed too! It's a great feeling. Here I am only 22 years old and getting ready to do something with my life and begin to see the wonderful things that happen to you once you leave school.

I'm so grateful that I was able to continue my education outside of high school. I encourage everyone that I meet that in order to make something out of life you got to do something about your life in order to get there. Most of the time it means going to college and finding what your good at and getting that little piece of paper to prove that, yes you are in fact good at what your good at doing!

So my point, look at everyone you meet in life and say to yourself this person may no somebody who could get you your next big gig or they may do something in your life that will help you get there!