Wednesday, August 27, 2008

People are going back to school, so what am I doing?

I can't walk into a single store without seeing those huge back to school signs! Notbooks .10 each, paper, pens, folders are .15, those cute little planners that even still today, I can't help but pick one up and daze at it with excitement.. Atfer putting one day yesterday, it hit me! I'm no longer in school anymore. After 16 years of school supplies shopping and getting all excited for all the new and fabulous things that I would be utilizing in school, I no longer have to get this stuff anymore.

Recently, I graduated with my bachelor's degree in communications. The day of graduation, it didnt really effect me because technically, I still had to complete one class.. even ajob. fter completing that last class in June, I didnt really hit me that I was finally done. It kinda makes me sad to see and hear some of my friends talking about getting back into the groove of school. I always liked school. I loved learning new things and of course the social aspect of it. I met so many interesting people in college. Some of which are my very best friends, others are just contact
s now incase I need something but non the less these people were in my life and we were all trying to accomplish the same thing.

Since graduation, I contined with my internship in corporate communications at Burns & Wilcox and then went on to try something new and what I thought would fasinate the hell out of me.. Recruiting.. So I went and applied for a job in recruiting and after the first interview, I was offered a full time salaried position, needless to say, I was pretty geeked because to me it was my first real offical job. So I started that job in the beginning of August, everything was going great until they finally got us on the phone and getting hands on training. This job was a total disaster. It was nothing but sales and I felt like a telemarketer.

For the first time in my life, I quit a job without any short of backup plan. The only thing I had was the support of my fiance, scott and my parents. When I quit, I felt releaved and ready to start looking for what I really wanted.

Now, I'm sitting here. I've been unemployed now for not quite a week! Am I scarde that I'm not going to find something, sure! However, I'm not going to sit here and think im not going to find something because I know I will. I got great entry level experience to back me. I also have an open mind! I'm willing to relocate and im willing to go quite far. Scott has a good job right now and he has already told me that he is going to take care of me until I get back into a job that I like.

So now, I've hit the pavement and I've hit it quite hard. I have one advertising/marketing company that is really interested in me and I have another firm that I will be interviewing with next week. I would love to have some time off. Infact, a month would be pretty good. I can go to Florida with my mom, enjoy the rest of this beautiful summer and spend time with my family.

I want to take this time to really figure out who I am! Life after college can be pretty scary!